Will You Lose Out If You Don’t Join the Twitter Cannabis Revolution?

Picture of Christopher Eichenauer
Christopher Eichenauer
Executive Content Developer at Cannacular

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new ad restrictions lifted on twitter

Will You Lose Out If You Don’t Join the Twitter Cannabis Revolution?

Should you jump on Twitter’s Cannabis Advertising Policy change?

When Twitter recently announced that it would be allowing cannabis ads in U.S. states and Canada where cannabis is legal, the news sent shockwaves through the cannabis industry. This move could be due to CEO Elon Musk’s pro-pot stance or Twitter’s need for increased advertising revenue. But what does this mean for cannabis brands? Should they flock to “Twitter Cannabis” to advertise their products?

Let’s dive into how and IF cannabis brands can use Twitter effectively and craft an advertising campaign that works.

Crafting an Effective Ad Strategy for the Twitter Cannabis Revolution

The key to crafting an effective ad strategy on Twitter is understanding your target audience and tailoring your content accordingly. A good place to start when creating a campaign is by identifying who you want to reach out to, such as millennials, stoners, or health-conscious consumers, and then create content that appeals to them. But before you jump right into, pause!

You also need to make sure your ads comply with all of the regulations set forth by Twitter—including no health benefit claims or depictions of someone lighting up—as well as any additional restrictions set in place by local governments. Failing to do so could result in your ads being pulled from the platform or even facing fines from regulators.

Twitter Cannabis? Brands Beware

While this new opportunity is sure to create new avenues of growth for your cannabis brand, perhaps cannabis brands should pump the proverbial brakes.

Don’t rush to Twitter to try and push a new sale, deal, or product. Ads that feature the eventual sale of a product are not yet allowed, and may not be any time soon. This move is largely symbolic, but it does free up a powerful opportunity that many cannabis brands have been missing since day one.

Brand Awareness is INBOUNDS! “Twitter Cannabis” is primed!

Brand awareness campaigns are an important part of any marketing strategy and can be used to create interest in a product or service. However, with Twitter’s cannabis advertising policies, it is important that these campaigns don’t feature or promote the sale of cannabis. Instead, brands need to focus on creating content that will spark conversations and generate brand loyalty. This could include things like featuring customer stories and experiences, engaging with users through polls and surveys, or highlighting the positive aspects of their products.

At the same time, it is also important for cannabis brands to understand what types of ads Twitter allows them to run. For example, they may not be able to advertise specific deals or discounts related to their products but they can still showcase their latest offerings in a creative and engaging way. This could include things like creative visuals, educational content about the benefits of the product, or fun videos that demonstrate how to use their products. By understanding what is accepted by Twitter’s advertising policies, cannabis brands can create an effective ad campaign that maximizes reach and engagement.

The next step: Engaging and Developing an Influencer Network

Once you have identified your target audience and developed compliant content, you should consider engaging with influencers who are already active on the platform. Influencers can help spread awareness about your business and draw more attention to your ads, helping increase engagement rates and conversions. However, it’s important that you vet any influencer before working with them; make sure they have a good reputation and are knowledgeable about the product or service you are promoting.

Finally, when creating ads for Twitter, keep in mind how short people’s attention spans are on the platform compared to other social media networks like Instagram or Facebook; try not to get too wordy in your copywriting while still conveying the necessary information effectively.

Why you need to consider partnering with an agency

Additionally, it may be beneficial for businesses looking at increasing visibility on Twitter to partner with a content marketing agency instead of taking a DIY approach; these agencies have years of experience crafting campaigns that get results and will be able to help you develop an effective strategy tailored specifically for your brand’s needs and goals.

Don’t fall victim to boosting posts or running campaigns that don’t convert!

Twitter’s decision to allow cannabis ads in certain states has opened up new opportunities for cannabis brands looking for ways to reach customers online without breaking any laws or regulations. But remember, crafting an effective ad strategy on this platform requires research into who exactly makes up their target audience as well as vetting potential agencies and influencers before working with them; these steps will ensure compliance and maximize results from any campaign created for Twitter users.

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